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Susie Slack-Smith • August 22, 2023

Need some extra cash to take your business to the next level, but daunted by the loan process? You're not alone. There's a lot of paperwork and number-crunching involved.

Before you get started, remember that banks want your application to succeed as the interest you pay is a vital revenue stream. So, it’s normally up to you to make their job easy by turning up with a good business case.

Let us help you connect the dots for them. While banks are experts in money, they’re not necessarily knowledgeable about your area of business. Putting together a clear story and demonstrating how the loan will be used to unlock your business potential, and ultimately how you will pay the loan back is critical in getting a positive outcome.

The great news is we are there to help you through this process.

With our commercial/business lending experts, we can help tailor an application to a bank for you. And even better be able to speak to multiple banks on your behalf to find you firstly someone who is willing to do the deal, and secondly make sure you are getting the right deal for you.

This lending process can be time-consuming, but the benefit we have in looking after you in house, is that we have most of your information on file, we can produce the reports the lenders require, and only need to take up a small amount of your time in the application process, thus freeing you up to do what you do best, running and looking after your business

If you have any questions or are looking to finance anything for your business talk to us, we are here to help make the process as simple as possible. Call our Client Concierge on 

(02) 67 613 461

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